We Care

Advance Sweepers employees are trained and instructed on the safe operation and maintenance of sweepers and equipment. Our drivers’ accreditations include traffic control, overhead power line and confined space accreditations as well as rail compliance certifications.

Maintenance and Safety

All machinery is regularly maintained as per the manufacturers’ specifications and daily pre-starts are carried out on all plant and equipment. Our vehicles are fitted with arrow boards, reversing cameras, audible reversing alarms, night work lighting as well as fire extinguishers, first aid kits and spill kits. They are also G22 compliant.

We have developed an extensive generic safety management plan that includes safe work method statements for the business’ day-to-day operations. Copies of this safety plan and in particular safe work methods are available on request. If a specific safety management plan is required prior to a project’s start, Advance Sweepers can design and develop one for you.


Advance Sweepers are proud to provide a safe working environment for our employees, subcontractors, service providers and clients. Our policies and procedures comply with NSW legal requirements.

Our work, health and safety policies and procedures are updated every six to eight weeks and copies are carried in each truck along with the relevant documentation such as risk assessments, accident sheets and incident reports.


An environmental policy and system has also been developed and adopted to monitor the business’ impact on the environment.

Within our business operations we abide by the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997 that prohibits the deposit or release of substances including, but not limited to, rubbish, oil, sawdust, sand, sediment and building waste into a roadside gutter, storm waste drain or waterway.


Advance Sweepers has its sweeper maintenance records, workers compensation, public liability and plant insurance certificates available to our clients. To view copies of these documents contact the office on 02 4943 2678 or email info@advancesweepers.com.au