ISO accredited road sweeping specialists in emergency situations and experienced in diverse workplaces from industrial to commercial, construction, utilities, road, rail, maritime, aviation and mining industries.



Advance Sweepers services are available throughout NSW – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer cost-effective, safe and environmentally-sound vacuum and road sweeping for the toughest cleaning and compliance challenges.



Advance Sweepers has a reliable and fully-maintained fleet of sweepers. The vehicles are regularly upgraded and serviced as per the manufacturers’ specifications to deliver the best possible vacuum and road sweeping services.



We are proud to provide a safe working environment for our employees, subcontractors, service providers and clients. Our maintenance records, workers compensation, public liability and plant insurance certificates are available to our clients.

Our Services

Advance Sweepers offers cost-effective ways to keep dirt, light rubbish and debris build-up from becoming an unsightly problem, safety or environmental hazard.

We work with our clients to provide the sweeping service they need and want.

Our Company

Say ‘street sweepers’ and some people either think of a person or a truck with a broom. However, James Reid of Advance Sweepers says “they are an essential part of the community to keep places clean”.

He should know. For more than 25 years, James has been in the street-sweeper business, first as an employee and now as a proud business owner.

We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.